Arco Chamber Music is providing Fall & Spring Chamber Classes during the academic year. Students from grades 5 – 12 will be divided into two groups.  A minimum of 5 and a maximum of 12 students will form the two chamber music ensembles.  Each student must be enrolled with a private instructor to participate in the Arco Chamber Music fall and spring semesters. Registration is excepted, first come, first serve. The two groups will be divided by level, one group will meet at Joni Baczewski’s house and the other group will meet at Chi Oh’s house for Fall semester and will be switched for the Spring semester.  Eleven meetings will be held each semester. Joint concerts will be held at the end of each semester.


Classes: Mondays at 5:30-6:30pm

Tuition: $250 per semester


    There will be eleven classes per semester (approximately 3 classes per month).


1.     August 6             Registration form due

2.     August 13           Fall tuition - $250.00 due

3.     August 27           First Day of Class   5:30pm – 6:30pm

4.     December 10     Fall Recital

5.     January 14         Spring tuition - $250.00 due

6.     January 21         First Day of Class (spring)   5:30pm - 6:30pm or 6:30pm - 7:30pm

7.     May                     Spring Recital

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